“Anigaba arday ayaan ka ahaa jaamacada Amoud ee magaalada Borama. Markaa dhibkii ugu weynaa ee aniga iheystay ilaa imikana dhamaan ardeyda magaala kasta oo soomaaliyeed wax ka barata heesta waa in uu jirin hab casri ah oo online ah. Waxaa loo baahanyahay in lahelo meel ardeyda jaamacadaha dhigta ey ka helilaan koorsiyada ee fahmi waayaan macneentooda. Iyo weliba si toos ah loocaawiyin karo ardeyda. Websitkan sidaa awgeed ayaan u sameynay. In ardeyda ey waxbarasho kahelaan”
Abdikadir Nour Dahir, Co-Founder
We offer quality faculties courses video that have book chapters. Top teachers explain topics in Somali language so students fully understand.
Students watch courses chapter by chapter to fully master the subject.
We have been university students before. We know sometimes, we need little extra help. That is why we offer One Student to One Teacher Live Help for 45 Munites. Students choose time and teachers explain using Skype, phone, and screen sharing tools.